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2021 Christmas Greetings

2021 Christmas Greetings

Dear ?Visitor,


As a New Year dawns, our message to you is an upbeat trumpet blast because the vaccinations against SARS??CoV??2 are increasingly efficacious. But as we wait for business as normal to resume, we should celebrate this year's successes. 


Above all, we??d like to take this opportunity to thank all the readers of this newsletter for their support in 2021. Without your goodwill we would not have survived these difficult times, let alone developed into a position of strength to help the sustainable use movement march forward. You might have noticed that IWMC upgraded its website and launched Conservation Influencers ( We also continued to participate proactively and productively in CITES?? meetings. 


Given that our opponents believe the animal kingdom faces imminent extinction unless we abolish the wildlife trade, we have a big fight on our hands in 2022. But it is a battle we relish because science, commonsense and morality are on our side. 


IWMC has many projects in the pipeline and massive problems to tackle. Bring them on.


Meanwhile we wish you a great seasonal break and look forward to working with you in 2022. Especially in the run up to CITES Standing Committee 74 in March, IWC 68 in October, and CITES Conference of the Parties 19 in November.


Onwards and upwards



 Eugene and the IWMC Team 


?2024 IWMC, All Rights Reserved


Our maling address is:

 3, Passage de Montriond, Lausanne 1006, Switzerland


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