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IWMC May/June 2024 eNewsletter

IWMC May/June 2024 eNewsletter

May/June 2024 eNewsletter

The CO2 Conundrum: To Store or Ignore

by Ken Sumanik
... Earth??s thermal equilibrium will not change significantly no matter if CO2, NH4 and the remaining GHGs increase beyond their present levels...

"Colonialist" Anti Trophy Hunting MPs
Ignore the Facts (Again)

by John Nash
Meanwhile the elites, feted overseas for their uplifting ??conservation? ban, also uplifted many envelopes of largesse from global NGO??s and AR souls in exchange for rendering $220 million worth of ivory, an asset belonging to the people of Kenya, worthless by burning it...

Sustainable Use Fur Global Campaign Highlights Benefits of Real Fur over Plastic Fake Fur

??At a time when consumers are becoming more interested in understanding the environmental impact of what we buy and wear, we have an excellent opportunity to explain why fur is a sustainable and responsible choice,? said Teresa Eloy, Managing Director of the Fur Council of Canada.

Retrospect on Fire that Fizzled

By Ken Sumanik
The ??Fire That Fizzled?, (IWMC Newsletter, February 2024) continues to fizzle. John Kerry, former Chief Sputterer for the UN and who was to have retired on January 13, has evidently returned to work. Since then he spouted that, ??Policy-makers must adjust to energy transitions? (Forbes News); declaring that the use of fossil fuels must be discontinued and replaced by more environmentally friendlier technologies. His advice was ignored by a barrage of farmers protesting excessively constraining EU policy regarding their use of fossil fuels and fertilizers. The EU was forced to back down from its position but the protests continue. Equally serious impositions on EU farmers were foregoing the use of 20% of their lands to ecosystem restoration for biodiversity that includes tree planting. Could excessive use of EU authority as serious and so strongly resisted by thousands of European farmers be enough to initiate a return to reason and reality and put an end to the Global warming-climate change hoax?

Appeal for Contribution to CoP 20

In Notification 2024/055 of 22/2024, the CITES Secretariat calls for financial contributions to assist in the organization of CoP20 in Geneva, during the second part of 2025. IWMC wishes to encourage all NGOs ?? which have so much benefited from their participation in the previous CoPs ?? to contribute 0,001% of their annual income, the equivalent of $1.00 for each $1,000.00 raised. If only the 5 major NGOs would respond positively to this appeal (see ), the requested amount of US$ 2 million, would be quickly met, if not exceeded.


Sometimes, we all need a little inspiration!


She had been missing for 87 years! South Africa ?? In the memory of scientists, the "golden mole", a small blind animal with an iridescent coat but hyper-developed hearing, was last seen in 1936. Researchers from an NGO and the University of Pretoria, who have been on the trail of this small insectivore since 2021, have announced that they have spotted two specimens "swimming" in the sand on the beaches around the small port town of Port Nolloth (north-west).
(Source: 30 November 2023)

Elle avait disparu depuis 87 ans! Afrique du sud ?? De mémoire de scientifiques, la « taupe dorée », petit animal aveugle au pelage irisé mais à l??ouïe hyper-développée, avait été vue en 1936 pour la dernière fois. Lancés sur la piste de ce petit insectivore depuis 2021, des chercheurs d??une ONG et de l??Université de Pretoria ont annoncé avoir repéré deux spécimens « nageant » dans le sable sur les plages autour de la petite ville portuaire de Port Nolloth (nord-ouest).
(Source : 30 novemre 2023)

Jamila didn't want to sleep alone! Arosa (GR) ?? Bears usually winter alone in their dens. But Jamila, a resident of the Graubünden sanctuary Arosa Bearland, had another project in mind this season. At Christmas, the female decided to take up residence in her brother Sam's den. She has even moved the branches and other vegetation piled up in her own nest in anticipation of the cold. Then, in haste, she snuggled up to Sam to fall asleep and be warm for the Winter.
(Source: 9 January 2024)


Jamila ne voulait pas dormir toute seule ! Arosa (GR) ?? D??habitude, les ours hivernent seuls dans leur tanière. Mais Jamila, une pensionnaire du sanctuaire grison Arosa Bearland, avait un autre projet en tête, cette saison. A Noël, la femelle a décidé de prendre ses quartiers dans la tanière de son frère Sam. Elle y a même déménagé les branchages et autres végétaux entassés dans son propre nid en prévision du froid. Puis, sans autre cérémonie, l??ourse s??est blottie contre Sam pour s??endormir et passer l??hiver au chaud.
(Source : 9 janvier 2024)


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