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IWMC November/December 2024 eNewsletter

IWMC November/December 2024 eNewsletter

November/December 2024 eNewsletter

Results are often in the Eyes of the Beholder

BY Godfrey Harris


Sustainable conservation advocates cheered the Court’s conclusion that display and advertising limits on the domestic sale of ivory and rhino horn are “unconstitutional."

What Conservation Is: A Contemporary Inquiry

By Rogelio Luque-Lora

Conservation is the recognition that there exist things of value in the living world. Put differently: any attempt to describe ecological realities without evaluation, explicit or implicit, of what is good and desirable (or of what is bad and undesirable) can never, by itself, be conservation...
(Source: Conservation and Society, January 2023)

The Trophy – Is Killing the Biggest Animal a Good or a Bad Thing?

By Prof Brian Child


Unlike farming or hunting for meat, hunting for trophies is discriminating in the extreme. Although the media often criticizes this search for quality, it has positive consequences for wildlife and wild lands...

The Ethics of Killing Animals: There is No One Answer

By Paul McCarney


There is a saying that the only things we all have in common are birth, death, and taxes. If there is a fourth thing common to every human being on the planet, it is that human lives depend on killing animals...


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